The Church

2019  |  609 x 609mm (24”x24”)  |  Acrylic

Here are my reflections on this painting.

We, the Church, are family. A family made up of people from diverse backgrounds – histories, personalities, different likes and dislikes, experiences, ages – who find themselves bonded together through their love for Christ and each other. We find unity in diversity, although flawed (cracked pots!), we stand together on the one foundation of Jesus Christ (depicted here by the gold platter), Christ crucified (the red lining of the platter). We worship him in his sovereignty, as King over our lives (the purple platter lining, representing royalty). With our desire to become more like Jesus, we allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds (the white clouds & mist shining on us and in us). We experience restoration (the cracks in the pots are now filled with gold). God uses all things for good and for His glory as we co-operate with his restoration process.

My prayer is that God will continue to bless us as we allow Him to speak to us through this painting.❤️

Large postcards available. (182 x 117mm) with painting description on reverse side.



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September 28, 2019